Monday, January 16, 2012

Time for a new blog. One i write in. :|

So...I feel like writing.
I feel like writing where...
someone else may actually see it though?
And if i'm going to do that i may as well write something that someone else can relate to. Preferably in a way they don't yet know they will.
That's called blowing your mind.
I possibly, just blew someones small mind just now.
However, here is some mind..stimulus..that stimulated my mind moments ago.

I just came to the understanding moments ago that most of mankind is only productive at work. WORK. Working a job you don't like, for people you don't like who work for a boss you see for 10 seconds as he walks through the office, like he gives a FUCK what you're doing. THAT guy works for someone get the picture.

So, since you are only doing the job for the money you're doing about the amount of work you can get away with. Unless you're getting decent pay for your horrible job then its like fuck it, lets do this shit. Now, consider for a moment that most of the world(meaning governments, groups with power and the various tools the use to dispose their aid and will) is influenced by some government body, directly or indirectly by a corporation and various local groups. Sounds similar to small business, big business and the influence they garner themselves with government. It's long winded i know. Stop it, keep up with me. I have been told I don't always explain myself too well. Well fuck that, you will know all tonight.

So, most people who work their awful jobs in some way shape or form contribute to the very misery that encompasses their everyday life. Your company balances the books of another company that produces fucked up, questionable ingredient containing candy for another company that the bad ass kids who live next door LOVE to eat making them loud as shit, incapable of sleeping and horrible students who wont learn shit except that candy makes your fucking teeth fall out..and retarded.

THEN there's the other side. The people who love their jobs. They try really hard and i guarantee their final product is awesome. If it isn't i bet they have some baller ass customer service. Point is, they try because they want to be a good company and do right by their customers. They don't want to be douchebaggy and hold you by changepoint and rape you right on the counter while they take customers.

It would be pretty incredible if everyone worked jobs they loved. Instead everyone works jobs they hate..mostly because they have rent, kids, cars, habits, food is always nice. Crises precipitate change though. If everyone had a fucking brain fart all at once and realized their food, their lives, are tied up in a system rigged to fuck them over the harder they worked. Give them less the more they put in. What do you think would happen?

I hope at least a few peoples brains are on the ground. Or, reminded of the previous explosion they had when they first realized this shit :|

new Blog soon, more like this^ hopefully shorter :| ...probably more of those faces
Oh, and ill actually write in it this time. HAHA :|


  1. well written...only took you...oh i dont know over a year to post again... KEEP IT UP. And I'll write in mine more too lol Love you ♥

  2. Most of mankind is productive at work because that is what they're trained to do. The upper class does little work and pays little taxes. The middle class does all the work and pays all the taxes. As for the lower class....they scare the shit out of society with their abnormal means of getting by with next to nothing income in drug and alcohol infested violent neighborhoods.
    This isn't a problem though. Its all controlled and making people think they're in control is another form of control from the upper class (1 percent, super rich, secret societies, etc). If you don't know what your missing why would you reach higher. If you believe paying your taxes and performing a stressful job under the hypnotism of Capitalism to retire with a fat sum in your bank account is the American dream you're absolutely right.
    Constructing one company that makes you feel sick and another that makes you feel better is a sick paradigm that makes the decision to you waste your money seem reasonable when in fact your not making these decisions or coming to these conclusions yourself. Teens are crashing their parents cars more often just by checking their FB wall because they have the choice to. They did not create that choice themselves, Mark Zukerburg did for them and makes money for telling them how to think. Then tickets are issued for using your cellphone while driving. Problem Solved!

    As for the people who love their jobs and find their calling in life...there will always be someone ready to exploit their hard work. Why? Because that's also part of the American dream. To put your creation in something greater than yourself makes the country greater which is correct but you don't get to understand why you worked so hard for 20 years performing that stressful job.

    .....meanwhile famines in Africa, multiple wars and global conspiracies...its 4 am and I'm tired.
